Star Girl

Jerry Spinelli's Webpage

If you would like to find out more about Jerry Spinelli and his famous books, click on the link above.  There is information about his books, games, and even showing you the first step to publishing your very own book.  Exploring this web site really can shpw you intresting facts about a wonderful and talented author.

Desert Biomes
In my opinion deserts can definetly be very borring, because of nothing to see.  But if you visit the link above you can see so many cool facts about deserts that you have never known before.  Some of these things include the climate of deserts, plants that can survive there, and animals that can survive the harsh heat.

Saguaro Cactus
Clicking on this link will show you all of the different exciting facts about the saguaro cactus.  This cactus was mentioned multiple times so it really caught my eye, and i thought that there had to be something extra that the book wasn't telling.  This website will show you fun facts, and educational facts.

By doing a little research I have discovered that the whole set of Star Girl is in Arizona.  By clicking on the above link, you can find yourself learning facts and information about Arizona.  You can see the population, the state symbols, major industries and much more.  You really will be well educated about Arizona after going through the website.