Star Girl
    One of the themes, or morals of this story is "never judge a book by its cover."  This meaning that no one should have judged star Girl by the way she appeared or by the way of her being different.  If everyone had taken the time to fully understand her, like Leo did, everyone would have realized the amazing person inside of her.

    Another theme for this novel could be "always be yourself no matter what."  This would be a theme for this book because after a long time of being a student of Mica High, Star Girl decided to become someone she is not.  Even thought some people do like Star Girl's new look and personality, she is not being herself and some people do not like this.

   "Always wait and see what happens next," could be another theme for Star Girl.  This is because Star Girl never waited to see what would happen after the dance the night that Hilari slapped her.  She would have never known what would have happened at school the next day.  In my opinion Star girl should have finished they year, and then if she still wasn't happy with everything, she should have left then. 

   "Being cruel about someone's personality or appearance is wrong." This theme would be the most important of them all.  This is because almost everyone at Mica High would laugh at Star Girl for being the way she was.  The is very wrong to do, because you shouldn't do something to someone if you don't want it done to you.  In other words "treat someone the way you want to be treated."

Person vs. Person: One of the conflicts in the novel is person vs. person, this is because Star Girl has to face many people that hate her in Mica High.  The most important person that has to face Star Girl is probably Hilari Kimble.  I think that it is Hilari because she is continuously trying to get rid of Star Girl, or making her want to leave Mica. 

Person vs. Environment: This is a conflict in the novel because Star Girl doesn't fit into her surrounding environment so she is trying to defeat it.  Star Girl tries to change everything about her but nothing seems to be working.  So round one goes to her environment and surroundings